Welcome to Skill Development Unit Post Activity Surveys
Note: Please login for filling the survey in case you are a Faculty Member or Student by Using Erms Username and password.


You are being invited to participate in following surveys and there are no known risks if you decide to participate. The questionnaire will take about approximate amount of time to complete. The information collected may not benefit you directly, but the information learned in this study should provide more general benefits.

To collect true and honest feedback, it is often necessary to conduct surveys that are anonymous. We want to assure you that your responses are completely anonymous. Responses to anonymous surveys cannot be traced back to the respondent. No personally identifiable information is captured unless you voluntarily offer personal or contact information in any of the comment fields. Additionally, your responses are combined with those of many others and summarized in a report to further protect your anonymity.

Do not write your name on the survey and no one will be able to identify you or your answers, and no one will know whether or not you participated in the survey. Your participation in surveys is voluntary and by completing and doing whatever the respondent should do with the completed survey, you are voluntarily agreeing to participate. Important: Selective questions are mandatory to answer, where descriptive or open ended questions are optional.

Survey Acknowledgment

The Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences invite you to take part in survey to seek your views on the quality of education and training. Participation in this survey is highly valued.

We encourage you to complete this survey during a quiet time when you are able to concentrate without interruption. Your feedback counts. Your response will help shape important decisions at the PSMCHS. Please note that your response is confidential.

Thank you for considering your involvement in this survey.

Survey Acknowledgment

تدعوكم كلية الأمير سلطان العسكرية للعلوم الصحية بالظهران للمشاركة بآرائكم ومقترحاتكم بالاستبيان المرفق حول جودة التعليم والتدريب المقدم من قبل وكالة الكلية للتطوير والجودة، وذلك لتلمس نقاط الضعف والقوة لإيجاد الحلول المناسبة وإعداد خطط التطوير اللازمة لتحسين الأداء ورفع مستوى رضا المستفيدين.

ونظراً لأهمية آرائكم بهذا الخصوص نرجو منكم تعبئة الاستبيان في مكان هادئ بعيد عن مقاطعة الآخرين، علماً بأنهسيتم التعامل مع ردودكم بشكل سري.

شاكرين ومقدرين لكم مشاركتكم في هذا الاستبيان